利用Duo security为你的Windows远程桌面开启多重身份验证,提高安全性

利用Duo security为你的Windows远程桌面开启多重身份验证,提高安全性

Windows 远程桌面协议RDP常用于远程访问帮助用户连接到 Windows 服务器、PC和虚拟机等。虽然 RDP 可以会通过 VPN 进行保护,但如果企业将 RDP 端口联网开放到公网,仅凭 VPN 还是不够安全。远程访问的 Windows 主机很容易遭到暴力破解。如果确定要开启Windows远程桌面,并且允许通过公网连接,建议添加多重认证来提高安全性,我们可以利用Duo security来实现,优势是:免费,安装方便,使用方便(通过推送来approve)


  1. Sign up for a Duo account.
  2. Log in to the Duo Admin Panel and navigate to Applications → Protect an Application.
  3. Locate the entry for Microsoft RDP in the applications list. Click Protect to the far-right to configure the application and get your integration keysecret key, and API hostname. You’ll need this information to complete your setup. See Protecting Applications for more information about protecting applications with Duo and additional application options.
  4. We recommend setting the New User Policy for your Microsoft RDP application to Deny Access, because no unenrolled user may complete Duo enrollment via this application.
  5. If you’d like to enable offline access with Duo MFA you can do that now in the “Offline Access Settings” section of the Duo application page, or return to the Admin Panel later to configure offline access after first verifying logon success with two-factor authentication.
  6. Download the Duo Authentication for Windows Logon installer package.


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