8年前 (2017-07-19) 5390浏览 0评论
8年前 (2017-07-16) 4088浏览 0评论
It seems pretty surreal going through old lab notes again. It’s like a time capsule – an opportunity to laugh at your previous stupid self and your desperate attempts at trying to rectify th...
8年前 (2017-06-30) 4547浏览 0评论
A few months ago I’ve written an article named Where the top of the stack is on x86, which aimed to clear some misunderstandings regarding stack usage on the x86 architecture. The arti...
8年前 (2017-06-29) 4632浏览 0评论
Original post: http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2011/08/25/load-time-relocation-of-shared-libraries
This article’s aim is to explain how a modern operating system makes it possible to use ...
8年前 (2017-06-29) 4401浏览 0评论
The goal of this project is to instrument CFI protection to COTS binaries. Our work is focus on High Performance Computing applications particularly. The following contents are som...
8年前 (2017-06-29) 4584浏览 0评论
I’ve noticed more than once that some programmers are confused about the direction in which the stack grows on x86, and what “top of the stack” and “bottom of the sta...
8年前 (2017-06-28) 3102浏览 0评论
I've described the need for special handling of shared libraries while loading them into the process's address space in a previous article. Briefly, when the linker creates a shared ...
8年前 (2017-04-03) 4061浏览 0评论
diskutil list
star@star:Volumes$ diskutil list
8年前 (2017-04-03) 4082浏览 0评论
8年前 (2017-02-21) 9384浏览 0评论
首先确保为虚拟机启用了Integration Services, 并在虚拟机内安装了相关组件, 否则可能会遇到网卡无法识别的情况.
安装方法用CDROM挂载vmguest.iso, 在虚拟机里面打开该盘并找到setup.exe进行安装.
和其他虚拟机产品一样, Hy...
8年前 (2016-09-20) 7983浏览 0评论
1. 用ln将需要的so文件链接到/usr/lib或者/lib这两个默认的目录下边
ln -s /where/you/install/lib/*.so /usr/lib
sudo ldconfig
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/where/you/install/lib:$LD_L...
8年前 (2016-09-18) 5521浏览 0评论
sudo update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2 100
sudo update-alternatives –install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/...
9年前 (2016-03-20) 8234浏览 0评论
It is assumed that you have installed java JDK. I am currently using JDK 1.7
Download the Eclipse luna and untar it to an /opt/ directory as a sudo
cd /opt/ && sudo tar -zxvf ~/Down...
9年前 (2016-02-07) 14433浏览 0评论
VLDB和另外两大数据库会议SIGMOD、ICDE构成了数据库领域的三个顶级会议。VLDB (Very Large Data Base) 是数据库研究人员,供应商,参与者,应用开发者,以及用户一年一度的主要国际论坛。VLDB国际会议于1975在美国的弗雷明汉马 (Framingham MA) 成立,第一届VLDB就吸引了近100篇文章和150多个参与者,取得了巨大的成功。随着时...
9年前 (2016-01-15) 6167浏览 0评论
该论文来自Berkeley实验室,英文标题为:Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing。下面的翻译,我是基于科学网翻译基础上进行优化、修改、补充,这篇译文翻译得很不错。在此基础上,我增加了来自英文原文的图和表格数据,以及译文中缺少的未翻...