R7000 有个后门,你可以打开然后登陆,把密码找出来。然后重设密码。
1 run router and wait for 2-3 minutes (先让路由运行2-3分钟)
2 push and hold wifi on/off button for 25 secs. (按住wifi 开关按键 大概25秒,这个会打开R7000的后门)
3 use telnet on port 233 and log in to router without password (用telnet 233 端口 登陆,不需要密码)
4 run command: nvram get http_username (use as username) (运行命令 nvram get http_username , 得出的结果会用作用户名)
5 run command: nvram get http_passwd (use as password) (运行命令 nvram get http_passwd, 得出的结果会用作密码 )
6 when you log in to tomato remember to erase nvram (成功登陆后记得要清Nvram)
7 then flash with the full tomato version (这个时候可以刷完整版的tomato)